The following are files of interviews, panel discussions, or lectures with Lloyd Spencer Davis:
Kim Hill interviews LSD about Professor Penguin
Kathryn Ryan interviews LSD on Radio NZ's Morning show
LSD's RSNZ lecture as played on Radio NZ. Part of the series to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth. Entitled "Darwin and the Evolution of an Idea." Recorded live in Napier, NZ. (courtesy of Radio NZ)
Panel at Wellington Readers and Writers Festival on Science Writing. LSD, Bernard Beckett, Hamish Campbell and Paul Callaghan; chaired by Kim Hill. The session was called "The Big Questions." (courtesy of Radio NZ)
Panel at Auckland Writers' festival on travel writing featuring LSD, Graeme Lay, and Thomas Kohnstamm; chaired by Kapka Kassabova entitled: "Carbon Footprint on the Road to Damascus." (courtesy of Radio NZ)