<i>Looking</i> <i>for</i> <i>Darwin</i>
<i>Looking</i> <i>for</i> <i>Darwin</i>
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Looking for Darwin

Looking for Darwin

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CLL Writers Award for Nonfiction
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Runner's Up Award, New Zealand Travel Book of the Year
Looking for Darwin is a search for meaning in a world that pits evolution against creationism, Intelligent Design of an all-seeing God versus the blind hand of Natural Selection.

On one level, it is primarily a science story, an unravelling of Darwin and Darwinism. On another, it is in part a personal memoir, an account of Lloyd Spencer Davis’ journey to find the truth about God, Evolution, Intelligent Design and the meaning of life. It is also a travelogue, documenting the places and people, the reverent and the irreverent things that happen to LSD on that journey.

Published by Longacre Press. More information can be obtained from the website: www.lookingfordarwin.com.


...the book is one of the most entertaining non-fiction titles I’ve read in a long while...I see him as a cross between Bill Bryson and David Attenborough.
Beattie’s Book Blog

...relax and enjoy the read which I describe as “Bill Brysonesque” in style.
Waikato Times

Davis writes like Bill Bryson. A very rare gift. This book is superb.
Chapters & Verses

This book...will appeal to readers in different ways. It is probably not a book for the devoutly religious or politically correct, but it is otherwise a rattling good story.

...this volume stands out as a brilliant angle on Darwin...writing with a vigour and irreverence surely unique in popular science.
Otago Daily Times

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